3 ways to cure sleepiness, office human edition Immediate results

Last updated: 7 Mar 2022  |  1421 Views  | 

3 ways to cure sleepiness, office human edition Immediate results

3 ways to cure sleepiness, human version of the office, already selected, it will definitely work!!!!!

1. Get up and change your posture.
Walking can help your brain shift focus from sleepiness. go out to breath Walk back and forth for more energy, choose to pump.
It will help your body change feelings for the better.

2. Drink water
While working, if you feel sleepy, drink water. Because sleepiness may signal something such as not drinking enough water makes the casting harder
which refers to the renal system that works harder as well

3. Using scents to create atmosphere
Should use a scent that is suitable for the working atmosphere, such as the smell of lemongrass or lemon, comes in the form of 100% oil.
and the use of reed diffuser, which in lemongrass has a unique smell, makes it refreshing
I immediately felt energetic.

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